Sunday, April 29, 2007

Character designs.

Two characters I designed for the final regular 3D animation project. Ultimately the spacegirl character proved to be too complex to model in Lightwave in the time given for the project, as well as being beyond my level of expertise to do it right for an animation project. However, the dog character made the cut, so to speak, and was successfully modeled and animated.

I look forward to devolping the dog character further, with better details and movements. I also will develop the spacegirl character when my skill at figure modeling in Lightwave gets better. Still, it was fun practicing drawing. I'm trying to improve my skill at drawing realistic people.

The original drawings:

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Fourth project for the 2D animation course.

After I heard the word "sandman" mentioned in the song, I couldn't resist spoofing "Logan's Run". ;-)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Third Lightwave animation project

This clip shows how Lightwave can be used to animate objects colliding with each other, in this case, an object having a falling cloth draping over it, and the object falling into the cloth surface, showing the cloth rippling and stretching as the teapot lands on it.

The very first part shows how drops of falling liquid hitting a surface can be animated, although at that time I wasn't able to show the actual faling drops. The very last part shows how Lightwave can render animation to look like traditional 2D animation.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Third Spring '07 2D animation project.

This one was done with Adobe AfterEffects, which I actually found easier to use than Flash. An underwater journey!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Juno and Aurora

I've had my dog Juno since November of 2002- she's the dog you see at the end of the "Blue Shift" video. Earlier this year I adopted a cat and named her Aurora. Late last year she was a stray hanging around my apartment and I was initially just keeping her until I could find someone who wanted a cat. After a couple of months no one was interested in adopting a cat, and she had made herself at home on my back patio. I had to bring her inside in January when it got really cold (by South Texas standards), and she very quicky got used to Juno and I, and the two of them were getting along great almost from the start. So, I figured that Juno had herself a new friend.